Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Cupboard

It is very difficult to create a PSA that does not "offend" the public or is not too graphic. Domestic Violence is an issue that includes horrendous graphics everyday. There is part of me that wants the world to see what we see. Because if the community saw and heard what we at Domestic Violence Center see and hear - I think everyone would be outraged. When people are outraged, they often take action - whether it is talking about it with others, volunteering, donating, or writing legislators. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence created a PSA that raises awareness, makes its point, but is creative in "showing the violence". Click the link below and tell me what you think.

The next PSA is graphic - but makes an excellent point. Which PSA do you think best gets the message across.

1 comment:

Linda Hill at said...

I believe our priority is to tell the truth, not worry about offending the public. Outrage is required for outrageous situations.

No one makes any headway when we shelter the public~ they remain oblivious and the women remain beaten.

Show the second one.

Linda Hill
Founder, Art with Heart
Volunteer art counselor and
speaker on the effects of
domestic violence on children