Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thank you to all of you in the community who are so generous. Thank you for giving the women and children in shelter a nice holiday. When I think of the women in shelter at the holidays, I think of the woman singing jingle bells - jingling something in her hand with a big smile. When others asked why she was smiling so wide - she showed her keys - her apartment keys to her new home. She said to staff - "Thank you for the best gift ever. A new home for me and my children."

We could not do this without your support! Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holiday Giving

As I sit in my office writing out holiday cards, I am trying to write a personal note on as many cards as possible to thank them for their partnership and support of Domestic Violence Center. We work with thousands of women, men and children every year - that we would never be able to serve if it weren't for the support of the community. In these tough economic times, I admit I am a bit worried about our end of the year appeal, which we heavily rely on. I know people are strapped and spending less; and I am hoping that their giving portion can help us sustain our mission.

I especially think of the women and children in shelter at this time of year. More than half of the residents are children - who are not in their own home celebrating the holidays. That's rough. So please, if you can, support Domestic Violence Center's programs by donating online at www.domesticviolencecenter.org. Help make the holidays happy for those who need some happiness in their lives right now.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What have you turned around in your life?

I started out my day yesterday feeling down about HB 247 because I was just told it was not likely to pass now due to some technicalities. The question was posed to me, "Is it worth you and Johanna Orozco going down to Columbus to meet with Senator Goodman as planned in light of this news?" I asked Johanna her opinion. Her answer was "yes, we have to at least try". So we set out to Columbus early in the morning and got back to Cleveland about 5:00 pm. And YES, THE TRIP WAS WORTH EVERY MINUTE for several reasons. One was that it was a very positive and productive meeting with Senator Goodman. We were assured that he not only supports the bill, but is meeting with legal counsel to work out any technicalities. It sounds like it will have a hearing next Tuesday, in which we will make the trek back down to Columbus, and the bill will hopefully go to the floor for a vote next Thursday. That would be great news for teens and their families throughout Ohio.

The other reason it was worth the trip is that I walked away from my day with Johanna - absolutely amazed by her spirit, her enthusiasm, and her positive attitude. She made statements throughout the day like "I am not a quitter", "You never know how you might change a situation", and most striking, "This used to be a negative in my life, but now it is a positive because I can help others". Wow! What great wisdom for such a young woman.

So even though I started my day feeling down, I ended my day feeling hopeful and uplifted - thanks to Johanna.

It brings a question to my mind, what have you turned around in your life for the better? for a positive purpose? Please share it here. Thanks

Friday, December 5, 2008

I am inspired by the activism in our community. Thank you to the many individuals who called, emailed, and wrote to their senators urging them to schedule a hearing for HB 247. Johanna is ready and waiting to go to Columbus to speak with them directly. We are still waiting on the senators, however. We need to keep our email and letter writing campaign going - so this bill is kept alive and passed before year end. Please pass this along to friends and family. This bill could save the lives of teens involved in a dating relationship. Your help makes a difference! This could be one of the greatest gifts you give this holiday season - to Johanna and the thousands of teens in Ohio who find themselves scared and abused in a dating relationship. Lets give them some peace this holiday.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Help give Johanna a holiday gift

I had a conversation with Johanna Orozco in October of this year. Many of you may remember her story in 2007 when she was traumatically abused and assaulted by her ex-boyfriend and then days before the trial, he stalked her and shot her in the face. She survived - but with great pain and difficulty.

And do you know... she could not get a protection order against him because the state of Ohio does not allow it - as she was a minor. With a very outdated law, and the increase of teen dating violence, we need House Bill 247 to pass. This law could save lives - just as it does for adults! The bill would allow juvenile court to issue protection orders to teens in an abusive relationship. Unfortunately, for Johanna - she already bears the scars on her face, after multiple surgeries - and the deep wounds in her heart and soul.

My conversation with Johanna is striking. She said to me, "All I want for my birthday is for HB 247 to pass". When I was 18 years old, I think I wanted a sweater or earrings - or something very simple. It is tragic, yet very inspirational that this is her birthday wish. She is a very strong and amazing young woman. But this bill is not just about Johanna, it is named after another teen, Shynerra, in Ohio who died at the hands of her ex-boyfriend - and the many others who have died, been injured, or survived with emotional and physical wounds, like Johanna. Shynerra was beaten up by her boyfriend, thrown down the stairs, suffered a broken jaw, and yet Shynerra and her parents were turned away by the courts, saying she could not get a protection order as a minor. One year later, with no protection order, he killed her.

Currently, HB247 passed the House and is now in the senate.
We have a small window of opportunity to urge our senators - to schedule a hearing for HB 247- and to pass this bill by year end- for the health and safety of teens everywhere in Ohio. That window is NOW - the first 2 weeks in December while they are in session.

PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS, CO-WORKERS, AND FAMILY WHO LIVE IN OHIO - so we can blanket the legislators' offices with support - so much that they will make this a priority. This is why we need your help. Please write a letter, make a call, send an email asking them to schedule a hearing for HB 247. You will be a part of helping to save lives - literally.

It may be too late to give Johanna the birthday gift she wanted - but it is not too late to give it to her for the holidays!

Click HERE to view a list of Senators to contact.

A new beginning

My name is Linda Dooley Johanek and I am the Executive Director of Domestic Violence Center (DVC), serving the Greater Cleveland area. I was appointed E.D. in October this year and am thrilled to be leading such a great organization and a staff - who are so committed to the women, men and children we serve every day. I have been with the agency for 13 years in a variety of positions and absolutely enjoy my work.

I am very excited to have a blog associated with the work we do at the Domestic Violence Center. I have so many thoughts and reflections - related to the inspiring people we serve, the loyal donors, the committed volunteers, the dedicated board of trustees, and the strong partners who collaborate with us in the community. I often wish I could personally thank each and every supporter - but I can't. Blogging is one way that I can convey my thoughts on a regular basis and hopefully start a much needed conversation about domestic violence. I know there are many individuals in our community who would like to "converse or reflect" about the important issues related to domestic violence. I would like to hear from you - bringing those voices together can be a powerful tool. It would be great to have an internet community of people who lend their support, share their own reflections about domestic violence, and work to create change in our society.

I know my days can be hectic - consisting of a range of feelings and activities: being frustrated with the injustice I see, comforted by watching a mother and child hugging, smiling when a child says he feels safe now, pained by the stories of the women in shelter, grateful for the generous and unexpected donation, and happy for the many new beginnings in life that victims create every day. All of this and more... But I never want to lose site of the powerful mission of the Domestic Violence Center: "to empower individuals, promote justice, and mobilize the community so that all people are free from violence and abuse in their relationships and homes".

I hope you will join me in raising awareness of domestic violence and creating a community where we feel safe. I want to thank everyone for supporting our agency, but most importantly, thank you for lifting up the people we serve.
